28 July 2010

Hong Kong Visa "In Transit" -- FedEx

Movie of the week: Garden State.
Book of the month: MCAT Prep.

HKUST is pretty much official now. Unless the FedEx is actually a visa denial, in which case, I frown upon my life! I just found out that transferring to UC Irvine would take three years just because that's how the class scheduling is; absolutely ridiculous. I wonder if I should have backed up with UCLA Biophysics after all. Oh well, that's behind me. I'm going to Hong Kong anyway.

Before accepting HKUST's admission offer, I secretly wanted something decided for me. I secretly wanted an ultimatum to make my decision more dramatic. But I lucked out and had the best boyfriend in the world tell me that it was okay. There are obviously mixed feelings for him... I didn't get a promise that we'd be together for as long as my duration there, but I got the reassurance that I definitely meant enough to him that we would try. And that's all I can ask for.

Before word of the visa, I wanted something decided for me because I didn't want to be faced with a decision. I wanted to stop wavering back and forth between UC Irvine and HKUST. If it were denied, I still had a good alternative, academic career still possible, albeit harder to work for. If it were approved, then I could resume the process of aspiring towards a unique academic career. It's approved. And all the navigations are pointed to Hong Kong. Nothing even remotely says it was the wrong choice for me. I guess I'll find out when I get there.

I was inspired when I found out about the visa to get Skype's paid online subscription for SkypeOut. I even got an online phone number for SkypeIn! :)

Current issue: Mercury Insurance has full coverage for my car's damages (estimated $4,900), so that's good. But now the insurance companies are going to fight over liabilities. Need to call Mercury Insurance and give them my statement about what happened. Even though I'm confident nothing was my fault, I'm nervous.

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