09 August 2010

Guerrilla Warfare: Insecurity

At the eve of their army's defeat, sectors divided up and fled. And the war still continues until they are extinguished. They lie in wait f0r me around every corner and in every advantageous spot possible. In battle, they are ruthless but small in numbers, never afraid of collateral harm to the citizens of my mind.

04 August 2010

HKUST Course Selection

I'm getting such a headache from planning my courses at HKUST. This time around, I don't plan on packing my schedule with loads of classes so I'm trying to make sure I have adequate time to adjust. I need time for other things like my boyfriend, research, and prerequisites for med school and the curriculum is already very demanding as it is. Hours of planning = profound headache. I'm so freaking tired but I know the extensive planning will pay off in the end somehow. I just hope a lot of the courses I took at Fullerton College will transfer over for credit so I won't need to stress out too much about the math courses at UST.

I'm really looking forward to having fun there. But I'm having such a headache thinking about it. Ughhhh.