10 November 2010


It's that time of month. And yes, that is what I am referring to. Symptoms vary from female to female, but there are some commonly shared traits to the condition that play out in different ways. For me, it's:
  1. Extreme laziness
  2. Inability to fit into my favorite pair of jeans
  3. Soreness
  4. Insatiable need to eat
  5. Unwillingness to leave my room
  6. Over-sensitivity
Here's an illustration for your convenience:

Luckily, I don't get very cranky or moody (cough)... But I do find that there is a great reduction in my motivation to be physically active.

Being a woman is so inconvenient sometimes. I mean, guys are so lucky! What with their evolutionarily endowed physical prowess. Sigh.

I even felt like quitting basketball for a moment. But for me, quitting is like setting myself up for depression later on. Seriously, I need to stop being lazy. Back to the books for me!

Also, I enjoyed communitychannel's latest (minus the foul language):

1 comment:

  1. i like the comic, did you design it by yourself? that would be more impressive :D
