Okay, some randoms.
I guess I haven't been all that fair to my blog in terms of life updates. Sure, a few big announcements here and there but none of the particulars. So here's a few mini-blurbs regarding certain aspects of my life... aside from my final year project, undergraduate research, and school stuffs.
It's congregation time! Hong Kong's different because we have congregations (commencement ceremonies) in November. I guess that's cool because they thankfully have it a week before Thanksgiving time so we can have a long holiday to celebrate. And it's better than walking in the sweltering heat of June, especially considering Hong Kong's tropic-esque location. The above picture is from City University of HK. The only one I took with my iPhone during congregation season. Ah well. Next year, it's my turn! Can't wait!
Long distance relationship. No, I don't think LDRs get any easier with every good-bye. Every good-bye is so freaking difficult. Going through some growing pains right now, I guess, but what makes us work is that there's an end to it eventually. He's applying to pharm school and I'm applying to a PhD program in engineering and hopefully we'll end up in Cali or Chicago, only a driving distance apart. I love him!
♥ .. and I miss him like crazy. He's my support system--the one that I rely on to catch me when I fall. And he's the friend that adds meaning to my life--the one I especially support and root for in life.
He's sad he can't hug or kiss me over Skype :( |
My struggle with food. Oh man, I can't tell you how bad of a relationship I have with food right now. And thank goodness there's a place for me to write about it. I love food and all, but ahh! I feel so out of control. I spend spend spend even when I know I'm running low on money all the time. Okay, so I don't eat like a pig, but I know I can afford to eat less... And I want to go on a diet anyway because I'm back at a 130 weight, which is the weight I tend to fall back on if I don't regularly exercise and eat ad libitum. My face doesn't like it and my gut doesn't like it. Stupid taste buds. And midterms. And reports. And need for sleep!
One of life's delicious excesses. |
Why pay for dinner when you can have pansit from your lovely student's home? :) |
Half-marathon training! Speaking of weight and regular exercise, my avocation is definitely still running. From being a volunteer for Disneyland's Half Marathon to actually running races... I'm a little dilettantish.. so sue me. I said I have a bad relationship with food but I still go jogging or exercise three times a week for at least half an hour. It's almost out of habit now. But my standards for exercise are high; it really doesn't have much of an effect on me if I don't exercise for more than half an hour and that's my problem. So I have to vamp up the training and start on a half marathon plan and really lose the weight if I'm gonna save myself from killing my knees at my next race. Standard Chartered Hong Kong 2013 (half marathon), here I come. Sub-2 hours!
Random pictures... I need to sleep soon so I can wake up early and put in a few miles, so here's a few little slices of life:
Study nights with good friends~ |
1,234 friends! Wow, I'm popular! |
Did I mention I ate a part of that squid right after it was caught. Squid sushi. The texture was slimy. The sand was crunchy. |
Kayak adventures in Sai Kung. ^__^ |
I never blogged about this. But yeah, shattered iPhone screen. Maybe I'll fix it one day... when I have monies.
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