08 January 2012

The other side of every fear is freedom

In many ways, I think the last two weeks of 2011 were life-changing. It's funny how a little determination can turn you into a stronger person. And how learning to control your fears can change you.

When you're afraid of falling, you are critically below what you are capable of doing. You don't take risks that will help you break through. You can't grow.

So it's time to overcome fear. As Marie Curie said, "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood." This winter break, I need a metamorphosis.

Things to look forward to this winter:
9 January-- Paisano's!
15 January-- Clearwater Bay Chase 10K
20-23 January-- Chinese Lunar New Year
29 January-- Adventure Terra Race 2012
5 February-- Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 10K

(Title from the quote by Marilyn Ferguson: "Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.")