15 September 2011

I'm not the new kid anymore

I've always thought of this analogy for my life. All my life, I've been writing lyrics--rewriting, adding new stanzas, and composing new songs. I've always been struggling to find a melody. But the thing is, I'm not a music composer. And somewhere out there, there's someone who can be my melody. That person's gonna help make my lyrics even more beautiful because there would be meaning.

What I've just discovered is that I also need a sense of rhythm. And that's something I decide and develop on my own, whether it's when I have my melody or when I don't.

The undergraduate experience in Hong Kong has been nothing short of amazing and has truly strengthened my character. There's so many things I've had to learn and so many things I'm definitely still working out. Punctuality, for example. Keeping my room clean and doing my own laundry. Managing my own finances. Balancing my commitments. Keeping an open mind and filtering what you can and can't apply to yourself. And oh yeah, STEPPING OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE. In the past, it has hurt to do so. Facing so many things and feeling like I was asking people to stop thinking in black and white (is that so much to ask?). Language difficulties. The adjustment was... a lot more difficult than I had previously surmised.

Okay, so it's the typical experience for an international student. But the international student is not so typical, wouldn't you say? ;)

[Not yet, anyways.]

Anyway, I think I finally found some leverage here in Hong Kong. Life's been pretty busy but I think I like it better this way. It's how I want to spend my undergraduate days. It's learning how to make a big difference. It's making small differences along the way.

I think I've found some kind of rhythm now. Let's go! Welcome to Asia!

Currently Reading: The Savage Detectives by Roberto BolaƱo
Currently Listening To: Lemonade (Passion)

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